Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Get ready for The next two weeks.

Megaman X tomorrow, count on it.

          Sorry it took so long folks, I have been having a lot of personal issues to deal with as of late. I won't bore you with the details, lets just say, I almost forgot who I was and leave it at that. Needless to say, Im back on track and ready to bring you all the content I promised. NOW as the title suggest, yes Megaman X is coming to you to tomorrow, just going be putting the finishing touches on it today. As for the rest of the content I cant make no promises for dates to expect them, but I did just beat Bioshock (not 2 or infinite just Bioshock), Shadow of the Colossus and Ico, and though Ico wasn't requested, it goes with Shadow of the Colossus and I didn't feel right playing one without the other, and it came in a pack with both of them, so look at it like bonus content you didnt ask for, cause lets face it, if you asked for Shadow of the Colossus you were going to ask for Ico next right? Right? RIGHT? Yeah Im right, moving on What to expect for the next two weeks lets take a look down below shall we.

For the Blog

  • As stated Megaman X is coming out TOMORROW I will move heaven and earth to make this happen.
  • Gaming news is coming but We are still designing the page, we arent doing that pick a picture for the interwebs and using it for a background shit, no I am actually making a background, one that fits the theme of what we are doing here. There is a lot I dont know how to do with CS5 but what better way to learn right.
  • Im still working on Kingdom hearts, its not coming anytime this week or next week, so dont expect it.
  • Having finished Bioshock, and playing midway through 2 an a third of infinite Im going to be working on a little something of a three part review of the three games. Sorta My take on Bioshock how you go transition from 1 to 2 to 3 and the differences and similarities between all of them. Because of the size of this request, dont expect to see this in the next two week, this was a special request, and I want to get it right, or Lord knows the Bioshock fans will eat me alive.
  • Shadow of the Colossus + Ico, will be coming just as soon as we get the extended content page up.
  • Random blogs, until we get the extend content up, if I come across something I feel you guys should be informed about, I will do a post on it, right then and there. Along with these random blogs, Ill also be giving updates on several things through out the week.
Now I know what youre saying, this doesnt sound like a crazy two weeks at all. Well thats because the top half only covers post on the blog, this next half is where my next two weeks get kinda crazy. I will be generating a lot of Youtube content some of which for those who asked for it, my be commentated.

For Youtube

  • Ive got more Starcraft 2 coming, FINALLY I know, had to re install ALL of my games that were on my hard drive, you know the one that failed deleting all of my content and a good hand full of my blog ideals. No worries though, its back fully installed and we are a go for more starcraft 2 story.
  • Final Fantasy LP was canceled, instead the person who requested it, asked me to play Deus Ex Human Revolution. So Ill be starting on that.
  • FTL will be coming, due to the nature of this game, and the purpose for why i'm playing it, this game isn't a primary focus, i'm only going to do one or two more play throughs, but i'm really just show casing the game so that my friends know what kind of game it is. Alot of my friends never even heard of it.
  • If I can get my mic to work with me, Ill be bringing you videos of my thoughts about gaming, and some of the things Ive read or heard gamers say. 
I'll be working with Skyler on the Extend Content, trying to get that up and running and ready to be posted on, there still isnt anything there, so dont click the link. You have been warned. As always thank you for your time and continued support, and Ill see you guys next time.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I've been really busy with work, i'll hit you up when i get off. I've got a few new ideals, gonna tweet what i originally came up with.
