Starbound Pre-Order and Beta Invites
Pre-order and Beta Invites
That’s right folks, the long awaited Beta for
Starbound is on its way. For all those like myself who were fans of Terraria,
if you haven’t Taken a look at Starbound you should be ashamed of yourself. You
should head over there NOW and redeem yourself before the game is actually out
in full release GO NOW. For those of you who have, trust me
when I say I understand your excitement. Having Pre-Ordered the game myself, I’ve
decided to do this blog on the spot to encourage more of you to support their
What is Starbound

Starbound is a game (DUH)
in development by Chucklefish, a Indie game company, it is a 2D
side-scroller sandbox game, similar to,yet from the looks of it, far
better than, Terraria. Those who followed and played Terraria remember back in
March of 2012 when Terraria stopped updating. This came with as a major shock
to those who played the game, as there was so many area’s where the game could
have been improved, and we were looking forward to future development of this
title. Shortly after reading the post about Terraria ending on Kotaku, while
mindlessly drifting through the post over on Rock Paper Shootgun in April 2012
I learned of Starbound. Just like Terraria, Starbound has mining, it has
Construction, a similar visual style, and yes a crossover in design, but there
are several difference in Starbound, For one, rather than seeding various
standalone worlds, Starbound takes place on several planets. It’s like Terraria…
in space lol. There are a a lot more items with a wider variety in terms of creatures and landscapes. If you ask me
Starbound is looking to be a great game. Below are some snapshots Character Creator, it's in it's beta stages. What this means is that their are possible changes that can and will be made to it before release. If you want to mess around with it yourself you will need to first make an account/ become a member of their forums, shoot on over to the page if via the link.
Why should I Pre-Order this game?
If you’re a fan of TGS and watch Totalbiscuit's
podcast, or even watch Totalbiscuit I’m sure this is a question your asking
yourself RIGHT NOW. Well one, depending on how much you pay when you pre-order
depends on how much you get. The pre-orders can be seen on their page where the lowest payment to pre-order Starbound is
15 dollars. This gets you 1 copy of Starbound + a steam key when it comes to
Steam, a Beta Invite, and Starbound’s Sound track WHICH is available now, (the
soundtrack that is, not the beta.) The
highest you can pre-order for is 2000, I personally did the 20 pre-order. Did I forget to mention that both
Totalbiscuit and Jesse Cox said they would to a let's play of Starbound on it’s
release. If you watched their Terraria let's play, you know that they are bound
to make you want to own this game at one point in time. Why not go ahead and
pre-order it now, so you can play it, and be able to contribute, via giving
advice to TB and Jesse during the let's play. not like they’ll listen,Still good fun and laughs are bound to be had. Besides that, they are adding content when they reach certain Stretch Goals. Right now they have added in Pets, Fossils, and my favorite a new race The Novakids.

Why are you still here?
Seriously go the the website and check out the
game… I gave you links, what are you a stalker, what you want more? Anything else you need to know about Starbound can be found on their
website, look here is another link, I'll be doing a more in depth review of this through out the beta and apon release. As always thank you for your continued support and i'll see you all next time.
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