Thursday, April 11, 2013

FTL: Faster than Light

In the mist of playing Bioshock and Working on the blog for Kingdom Hearts, an Megaman X, i will also be playing games. The latest of these games to be made into a series is FTL: Faster Than Light. Alot of my friends don't know what FTL was, so i thought this would be a good chance to show them. The video is up on my Youtube Updates page, or you can watch it by clicking the link provided. FTL: Faster than Light Part 1

Again i want to Thank any and everyone one who is supporting me, it actually means more to me then you can imagine. I'll be back with more video's (hopefully with commentary soon) and blogs about gaming news (still trying to figure out how we are going to work that out.) and Reviews, as soon as i can. Thank you again for your time and support.

Slight Edit, Part 2 of this video is being uploaded right now, it will be ready at the provided link shortly :-).

FTL: Faster than Light: Part 2

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