Monday, April 1, 2013

New blogs and updates coming this week.

I want to take this time to thank everyone for hanging in there while i took a break. I have taken the time to play quite a bit of older games, as well as some of the newer games. Over the next couple of weeks, there will be new post as well as some changes to the blog. As promised the DMC Devil May Cry Review will be posted this week, I know it's late, and kinda doesn't matter. Yet as a fan of the DMC games since the first one came out, i want to share with you all my opinion on the game, and if you have a negative opinion of the game, perhaps i can change that.

Along with Reviews of new games, which will be once every two weeks, once a week i will post a blog of a older game, any game from the Sega and NES to the Present generation of gaming. In addition i will also give my opinion on any game suggested by YOU the readers. I can't state how long these will take to come out, if it's a game i haven't played I'll actually need to play it. When the latest blog of it is posted I'll take new request.

As for the changes to the blogs, I know most people don't like it, I personal DON'T APPROVE of doing this, but It has to be done. There will be a rating system introduced to the Games i review,  old game, and request. This is not going to be a cut and dry number rating, and it will not be used on New games. If you want a review to influence you to buy a brand new game, i suggest you Look at Totalbiscuit's channel on YouTube, or go to rock paper shotgun, or, you will not find it here. New games get enough hype with out me telling you guys rather they are worth your money or not.

I'm not going to list here any of the changes, I'll leave them for you guys to read and find. You can find all of the old blogs over on Tumblr I do not know if we will continue use the Tumblr, i know a few of you were upset about the switch to Blogger. If at all possible i will make a shortened version of the blogs, if left Tumblr because due to the limitations of the site. If it's really a problem, I'll find a way to work Tumblr back into the rotation of how we are going to be doing things.

Whelp that's about it, i look forward to entertaining everyone. As i stated DMC is coming up, afterward Megaman X, why Megaman WHY THE FUCK NOT, it's Megaman I grew up playing Megaman so it's only right that i start this new section off with a game from my childhood.

NOW to kick off... I guess the rebirth of my blog, as you all should well know, Dota 2 has been giving away quite a few Keys. I happen to have quite a few, so to the first 5 people who add me on Steam, I will send you a key to play Dota 2. To find my on Steam my user name is ThatguyDee, if you have a hard time finding me, leave a message for me here, or on Tumblr with your Steam user name. Thanks again for waiting as long as you have, I really do appreciate it, and thank you for your time.

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