Saturday, June 15, 2013

Kingdom Hearts 3 UPDATE

Kingdom Hearts III


The answer is yes. All that needs to be watched is the trailer. At the end of the trailer you will see what systems the game is coming out for. 

While I have not found an official quote from Square or Disney, several sites state that it is in fact confirmed.

This is a GOOD THING, nothing bad can come from this happening. Square (and Disney lets not forget Disney.) will make more money, and Kingdom Hearts will gain more fans, and pre-existing fans who don't own a PS4 will not have to pick up a console the have to desire to own just to play ONE game.  I am all for this, as I have hated the thought of Exclusives to begin with, let’s not pretend for one second that exclusives serve any other purpose than to boost console sells. If you need any further proof look at titles like RYSE and FORZA 5 for the Xbox One, and Infamous and Drive Club for the PS4. AMAZING games, yet will only be available exclusively on their respected consoles… what can ya do though, Console wars is just part of the business, it’s what sells consoles, and sadly in a adverse reaction, creates a rift between gamers as PS4 fanboys talk shit about the Xbox One fanboys, and vice versa. I may not like the Xbox One, but as a gamer, I want to enjoy the game on whatever console I prefer to play it on. An I extend to you the same, Enjoy your games on whatever system you want to play it on. Now without further adieu enjoy the Trailer if you haven't seen it yet, and if you have WELL FUCKING WATCH IT AGAIN, because why not, it’s KINGDOM HEARTS!

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