Sony Reveals the PlayStation 4
June 10 during their E3 conference Sony reveal more about the PS4, and what a a
announcement it was. Armed with the knowledge of trusted websites,
(, Kotaku, and sonyps4.) and the news from what was revealed at
the Sony Conference I bring to you MY Thoughts as well as some facts on the PlayStation
Without going to any other site for
reference I can tell you know that the PS4 is a gaming console through and
through, an is in fact worthy of joining my game system collection, along with
all three of the Playstations before it, the Xbox and 360, as well as the
Nintendo 64, Gamecube and Wii (I do own a super Nintendo but it doesn’t work sadly…)
This new PlayStation will have richer and more immersive gameplay, as well as
stunning graphics, top of the line memory and well integrated social features
that will make games more fun for gamers to play and interact with one another.
To start there announcement about
the PS4 Sony stated that they have holding true to their commitment to bring
gamers the music, movies, and television that the love. Offering Redbox
Instant, offering over 7000 movies that will soon be available on you Vita, PS3
and the PS4, and they stated that they will bring Live events, with their new
Live events view, you will be able to watch Sports, Television and listen to
music, live or on demand from their partners across the world, and finally
beginning this fall, Flixster will be on the playstation network, giving gamers
access to one of the most popular apps for discovering and watching new movies.
If you’re wondering “Well Dee why
aren’t you flipping out about this like you did for the Xbox One, when they
focused on Television?” The answer is quite simple really, see this was only a
small segment of their conference and even still they dedicated LESS time
talking about it then Microsoft did during the Xbox One Reveal, clearly showing
that we are acknowledging our promise, we are bringing you the killer apps you
have asked for, but this ISN’T or consoles main focus. They even stated during
the Conference that at its core the PS4 is about gaming, that IT is where their
passion lies, and what keeps PS fans coming back.THAT is why I’m not flipping my
shit about this. The PlayStation 4’s main focus is on the games, and that is
what I want in a game console, after all THAT is why I purchase a GAME CONSOLE,
is to GAME ON IT, the rest is just a benefit.
Worldwide Studios Sony Computer
Entertainment made a statement at the Sony Conference that they have over 30 games in development for the PS4 and 20 of
them will be out in the first year of the PS4’s release. Out of the 20 Titles
that will be coming out for the PS4 12 of them will be brand new IP’s like The
Order 1886, developed by Readyatdawn. They also some exciting development in 4
other titles, those being Killzone, DriveClub, inFamous Second Son, and Knack,
with Killzone, Driveclub, and Knack being confirm to be released at the launch
at the PS4. Let me just say this, while it is a fact that the Microsoft
Conference did cover more Xbox One exclusives, THEY HAVE ONLY THREE GAMES I
A XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE, those three being MGS5, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy
XV All three titles have been confirmed to be on BOTH systems, and with the
choice of Sony over Microsoft, I pick Sony. Not a fan boy, don’t get me wrong,
but in this case I like to stay AS FAR AWAY FROM CONSOLE DRM, I mean it’s bad
enough that game developers are adding more and more DRM, that now our consoles
have to have it to, COME OFF IT.
Now while it’s clear that Sony is
going to do right by the gamer, the true testament to the the PS4 comes not
from its Development but the game developers themselves. Take a quick look at
the specks for the PS4. An if you are any kind of tech enthusiast, you’ll be
able to see just where the PS4 is superior to the Xbox One, and where it has its
faults. Even where the PS4 falls a little short, Sony has present 1st
2nd and 3rd party games with a platform to create
visually stunning, wide expansive worlds, that can captivate and fascinate gamers
for hours on end. However it’s up to the game developers to capitalize on it,
and take advantage of this platform and bring bigger better and longer games,
with more involved game play, better stories, life like characters, and what’s
more take advantage of the nearly 50% more graphic power the PS4 offers over
the Xbox One.
talk about bout what makes the PlayStation 4 the beast that it is.
Main Processor
- Single-chip Custom Processor
- CPU: x89-64 AMD ‘Jaquar’ 8 cores
- GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon based graphics engine.
Hard Disk Drive Built-in
Optical Drive (Read Only)
- BD 6xCAV
I/O communication
- Super-speed USB (USB 3.0) AUX
- IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)
AV Output
- Analog-AV out
- Digital Output (optical)

new controller will Feather a Touch pad located at the top of the controller, a
four color LED Light bar, to let easily identify who is 1st 2nd
3rd and 4th as well as quickly see game information like
when health is low, or when you have taken major damage (I assume the light
will blink or flash in such instances otherwise I see no point in this.), A
share button that allows you to instantly share accomplishments by streaming
LIVE game play to Ustream or uploading directly to facebook. It also has a
built in Mono Speaker (YEAH now it’s just like a Nintendo Wii U remote… I guess
this could be good, but I’m not particularly sold on this yet.) and will sport
a new shape and enhance vibration. Over all sounds pretty good, but will find
out when the system comes out during the holiday season of 2013.
can’t offer any kind of info on the PlayStation move what so ever as they seem
to completely avoid talking about, but what I can say is that it is NOT
required for the PS4 to function.
closing I’ll leave you with a couple of Sony’s major announcements during E3
about the PS4, as well as a few links So that you may check out this
information on your own should you so desire. Thank you for your continued
- The PlayStation will support ALL used games, putting control and owner ship BACK in the hands of gamers. If you buy a game that copy of the game IS YOURS to do with as you please, not happy with it, return it, wanna let a few friends borrow, go right on ahead, wanna trade it in NO PROBLEM.
- The PlayStation 4 WILL NOT enforce ANY new restrictions, there will be NO system check ins or 24 hour online authentication.
- The PlayStation Plus memberships will carry over to the PlayStation 4, and will offer some new benefits, only down side is that it is now REQUIRED to play multiplayer on the PS4.
- The Playstation 4 will only cost $399 dollars close to $500 dollars after tax in America, and 399 euros, and 349 pounds in your regional equivalent.
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