Saturday, June 1, 2013

Xbox One... WHAT THE FUUU!!!!!!

Xbox ONE, but wait isn’t there already an Xbox?

After a long debate with myself in deciding which one of the two systems I would start with, I decided to go head and vent some anger and um wait uh I mean, I decided to go ahead and talk about the Xbox ONE, and see if I’m the only one who thinks Microsoft REALLY WANTS TO LOSE the console war this time around.

            I know there was a rumor going around about the X box One having always online DRM in it. It set the gaming world on fire, gamers both hard core and casual were out raged at this choice. It’s pretty easy to see why they were pissed off as well. I mean The concept of a console that does not work unless it is connected to the internet, and having data fed to the console via Microsoft’s servers is absurd. What in the sam hell were they thinking, well the good news is that it won’t require your console to always be connected to the internet, if you intend to play video games on it. What do I mean you may ask? Oh nothing other than the fact that the Xbox one isn’t really a gaming console. IT’S A FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. An whats worse is it does everything else exceptionally well, but we have NO FUCKING CLUE HOW WELL IT PLAYS FUCKING GAMES. How do you reveal your console to the world and NOT BRING ANY GAMES, feed your viewers BULLSHIT, and have them walk away satisfied and actually wanting to throw money at you for you piece of shit system. I wouldn’t know, but I’m sure if I sat down and studied under Microsoft I’d be able to sell a flash light to a blind man. How about we stop reading my ranting and start taking a look at what we do know, with some info I gathered from Kotaku IGN and Polygon. All site reference’s will be listed below at the end of this post, so you can read them for yourself.


   1.    The next Xbox is called Xbox One (HORRIBLE NAME)
   2.    It will be out later this year
   3.    It won’t be Always-Online
   4.    It will restrict used games
   5.    It plays TV exceptionally well
   6.    The Xbox one looks like this

   7.    The Controller looks like this

   8.    The Kinect looks like this

   9.    It is NOT backwards Compatible (don’t throw out your Xbox 360)

Specs that we DO know

·         8 Core CPU
·         8 GB Memory System
·         500 GB HDD
·         Blu-ray Drive
·         802.11n Wireless with Wi-Fi Direct
·         HDMI In/Out
·         USB 3.0

Snap mode

A new feature that allows you to connect your Xbox One to your TV to do things like; Skyping with your friends while watching TV, watching sports  and updating your fantasy team, watch movies while talking to your friends. AND DO MORE SHIT WITH TV THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GAMING.

Intelligent TV

If there is one thing the Xbox ONE does exceptionally well, that we could see from it’s reveal, is PLAY TV. It plays TV, it plays MOVIES, it plays TV WHILE YOUR WATCHING YOUR FRIENDS ON SKYPE WATCHING THEIR TV'S. It Plays movies while you TALK TO YOUR FRIEND ON SKYPE WATCHING YOU WHILE WATCHING A MOVIE, BUT WAIT with Microsoft's big partnership with the NFL YOU CAN NOW WATCH FOOTBALL ON YOUR XBOX ONE! Wow what would I have ever done without this FUCKING BLOODY USELESS FEATURE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GAMING… MOVING ON.

Used Games

Every Xbox ONE game will come with a activation code, YAY DRM WOOOOO LOVE THAT SHIT ehhh… You will need this code to INSTALL the game on your systems hard drive before you can even play the game. So console gamers WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF PC GAMERS, where you will have to install your games before you can play them. No more are the days of having the convenience of just popping in your CD and playing your game, NO MORE are the days of being able to let a friend borrow your game cause you loved/hated it, and they wanted to try it. Gone, all gone, because now you have to install and register the game ONLINE and CONNECT IT TO YOUR XBOX LIVE ACCOUNT. Your family may be able to play the game that is registered to your Xbox Live account, but if you want to let a friend borrow the game, or you bring games over for a game night at a friends house, HE CAN’T PLAY THEM ON HIS SYSTEM, HE LITERALLY HAS TO BUY THEM. Never mind that you spent your hard earned money and have a legit copy, he has to buy the game in order to play it. Microsoft says there will be a way to trade used games, but have not shared much in the way of Details, and it’s kinda hard to blame them. I mean, after locking down your console and blocking used games with SO MUCH FUCKING DRM, it’ll be hard to come up with a system that doesn't sound like BULLSHIT. Who knows I might be wrong, SURPRISE ME MICROSOFT…


            The Xbox One has been rumored to be an Always online console, yet at their press site they stated “No, It does not have to be Always Connected, but Xbox One does require a Connection to the Internet” Well which is it, it was stated that the system requires you to connect to the internet at least once a day. Well that’s bloody fantastic, and what if my internet is out? Oh that doesn't matter, because this is just a potential scenario for how the Xbox One will function. So in other words you haven’t a clue as to how your bloody console is going to run gaming wise do you? MOVING ON.

Xbox Live

Noting getting into this, I don’t support Xbox Live, I don’t support paying you for the privilege of using features that come with the console, I don’t care what changes were made, they removed the price. I you do there will be links down below where you can read the changes made and more.

The Biggest thing of note is that out of everything we know, we acutally know very little, as almost everything is just a “Possible Scenario” at best. Not much has really been finalized yet. Expect to see more about the Xbox over the next few months starting with E3. Thank you for your time, and continued support. The links will be listed below.


  1. So, how about that PS4 guys...

  2. Yeah, PS4 is look much better then the Xbox One right now. I'll be doing my post on it in the next few days.
