Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Microsoft may decide to Reverse the Policies used in the Xbox One

In a stunning, yet expected, announcement from Microsoft, it seems the features of the Xbox One that pretty much turned the console into a brick, are being removed. Seems the outrage from their fans, or in my opinion the small number of pre-orders they saw coming in, prompted microsoft to pull a full reversal of the DRM policies used in the Xbox One.

What does this mean you may be wondering. well my silly little friend it means several things

  • No more 24 hour confirmation
  • All disc will work without having to be "installed" just pop it in and play.
  • Internet connection is only required at setup.
  • All downloaded games will function with our without a internet connection.
  • No restrictions on used games.
  • Region locks have been dropped
Most importantly it means that the Console wars are back on in full swing. An the Xbox One despite it's horrid name, undesirable look, price tag, and refusal to work unless the kinect is connected, is becoming a move viable game system. I find it odd that not but a week after E3 we have this HUGE reversal by Microsoft. If they are smart and want to gain back consumer trust, they will say something like this in a official announcement. 

"We thought what we were doing would be the next step in revolutionizing the game industry, but after listening to our fans feedback we see we were clearly wrong. It's always been our goal to give our fans what they want, this is our attempt at taking the first step in the right direction."

A little to hopeful? yeah i thought so, but a man could dream right, we will just have to wait and see just what prompted such a major turnaround for them.

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