Just a simple blog containing my video game reviews, gaming news, and releases of both Indie and Major game titles through out the year.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Push backs
Just a small update on what is going to happen. At current i have to push the update i stated earlier back, I didn't imagine there would be so much to read and catch up on. New game releases and demo's to play, and reviews to type. I will have a update by the end of this week, i just got caught up over the week in with the job hunt, getting things taken care of and what not. Anyway the update is coming along with it is a list of changes and content to look forward to, and of course before i introduce the new reviews and updates, we will finish off the older ones first. Thanks for your patiences and your time, and as always i'll see you all next time.
Friday, August 2, 2013
What happened during the break
For those of you who don't know, The last few months have been crazy for me. With all the stuff i've been doing trying to fix my pc, going with my family to North Carolina, getting an appartment (we will be moving in Aug 17) Looking for a second job, and being sick for the better part of last month. It's been alittle rough, but none of it was in vain. Come sunday we will resume all regular projects and scheduled projects. Gaming news will be posted when there is actually gaming news to post. I tried daily but then came across a issue where sometimes i couldn't give a shit about what was going on as it didn't seem important enough to even waste your time reading it.
Tomorrow Gaming with Dee and Extended content will have a update to explain what new post will be coming. To be informed of the updates just follow my Tumblr or Twitter.
Tomorrow Gaming with Dee and Extended content will have a update to explain what new post will be coming. To be informed of the updates just follow my Tumblr or Twitter.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Video game news and Updates for June 21, 2013 is available
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, the
Gaming news and updates for the 21st of June 2013 is up. I speak in
depth on my views concerning Microsoft’s reversal and what this means for the
video game industry and us a gamers as well as consumers. If you interested in
reading more there is a post here on this site just below this one. If your
interest in reading my thoughts concerning the matter head over to
For alerts on updates follow me on my Twitter and Tumblr:
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Microsoft may decide to Reverse the Policies used in the Xbox One
In a stunning, yet expected, announcement from Microsoft, it seems the features of the Xbox One that pretty much turned the console into a brick, are being removed. Seems the outrage from their fans, or in my opinion the small number of pre-orders they saw coming in, prompted microsoft to pull a full reversal of the DRM policies used in the Xbox One.
What does this mean you may be wondering. well my silly little friend it means several things
What does this mean you may be wondering. well my silly little friend it means several things
- No more 24 hour confirmation
- All disc will work without having to be "installed" just pop it in and play.
- Internet connection is only required at setup.
- All downloaded games will function with our without a internet connection.
- No restrictions on used games.
- Region locks have been dropped
Most importantly it means that the Console wars are back on in full swing. An the Xbox One despite it's horrid name, undesirable look, price tag, and refusal to work unless the kinect is connected, is becoming a move viable game system. I find it odd that not but a week after E3 we have this HUGE reversal by Microsoft. If they are smart and want to gain back consumer trust, they will say something like this in a official announcement.
"We thought what we were doing would be the next step in revolutionizing the game industry, but after listening to our fans feedback we see we were clearly wrong. It's always been our goal to give our fans what they want, this is our attempt at taking the first step in the right direction."
A little to hopeful? yeah i thought so, but a man could dream right, we will just have to wait and see just what prompted such a major turnaround for them.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Gaming news and updates for June 18, 2013 are up on GWD Extended Content
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, The Gaming News and
Update for the 18th of June 2013 is up, the topics covered today are
the following;
- XCOM is coming to iOS with a price tag of $20.
- Dead Rising 3 will be more mature and sophisticated.
- Avalanche Dev on game trading.
- Release round up.
If you wish to read up on these topic’s head
over to:
Thank you for your time and continued support.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Gaming News and updates is up on Extended content.
Hello there ladies and gentlemen, today Gaming news
and update is up, the topics covered are the following .
- Planetary Annihilation Alpha on sell for 90 Dollars
- Ubisoft is asking PC gamers to show support and interest in a PC version of The Division
- Kingdom Hearts 3 Development
- Minor change in the choice for Video game news and updates.
If you wish to read up on these topic’s head
over to: http://gwdextendcontent.blogspot.com/
Thank you for your time and continued support.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
PlayStation 4 Reveal
Sony Reveals the PlayStation 4
June 10 during their E3 conference Sony reveal more about the PS4, and what a a
announcement it was. Armed with the knowledge of trusted websites,
(Playstation.com, Kotaku, and sonyps4.) and the news from what was revealed at
the Sony Conference I bring to you MY Thoughts as well as some facts on the PlayStation
Without going to any other site for
reference I can tell you know that the PS4 is a gaming console through and
through, an is in fact worthy of joining my game system collection, along with
all three of the Playstations before it, the Xbox and 360, as well as the
Nintendo 64, Gamecube and Wii (I do own a super Nintendo but it doesn’t work sadly…)
This new PlayStation will have richer and more immersive gameplay, as well as
stunning graphics, top of the line memory and well integrated social features
that will make games more fun for gamers to play and interact with one another.
To start there announcement about
the PS4 Sony stated that they have holding true to their commitment to bring
gamers the music, movies, and television that the love. Offering Redbox
Instant, offering over 7000 movies that will soon be available on you Vita, PS3
and the PS4, and they stated that they will bring Live events, with their new
Live events view, you will be able to watch Sports, Television and listen to
music, live or on demand from their partners across the world, and finally
beginning this fall, Flixster will be on the playstation network, giving gamers
access to one of the most popular apps for discovering and watching new movies.
If you’re wondering “Well Dee why
aren’t you flipping out about this like you did for the Xbox One, when they
focused on Television?” The answer is quite simple really, see this was only a
small segment of their conference and even still they dedicated LESS time
talking about it then Microsoft did during the Xbox One Reveal, clearly showing
that we are acknowledging our promise, we are bringing you the killer apps you
have asked for, but this ISN’T or consoles main focus. They even stated during
the Conference that at its core the PS4 is about gaming, that IT is where their
passion lies, and what keeps PS fans coming back.THAT is why I’m not flipping my
shit about this. The PlayStation 4’s main focus is on the games, and that is
what I want in a game console, after all THAT is why I purchase a GAME CONSOLE,
is to GAME ON IT, the rest is just a benefit.
Worldwide Studios Sony Computer
Entertainment made a statement at the Sony Conference that they have over 30 games in development for the PS4 and 20 of
them will be out in the first year of the PS4’s release. Out of the 20 Titles
that will be coming out for the PS4 12 of them will be brand new IP’s like The
Order 1886, developed by Readyatdawn. They also some exciting development in 4
other titles, those being Killzone, DriveClub, inFamous Second Son, and Knack,
with Killzone, Driveclub, and Knack being confirm to be released at the launch
at the PS4. Let me just say this, while it is a fact that the Microsoft
Conference did cover more Xbox One exclusives, THEY HAVE ONLY THREE GAMES I
A XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE, those three being MGS5, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy
XV All three titles have been confirmed to be on BOTH systems, and with the
choice of Sony over Microsoft, I pick Sony. Not a fan boy, don’t get me wrong,
but in this case I like to stay AS FAR AWAY FROM CONSOLE DRM, I mean it’s bad
enough that game developers are adding more and more DRM, that now our consoles
have to have it to, COME OFF IT.
Now while it’s clear that Sony is
going to do right by the gamer, the true testament to the the PS4 comes not
from its Development but the game developers themselves. Take a quick look at
the specks for the PS4. An if you are any kind of tech enthusiast, you’ll be
able to see just where the PS4 is superior to the Xbox One, and where it has its
faults. Even where the PS4 falls a little short, Sony has present 1st
2nd and 3rd party games with a platform to create
visually stunning, wide expansive worlds, that can captivate and fascinate gamers
for hours on end. However it’s up to the game developers to capitalize on it,
and take advantage of this platform and bring bigger better and longer games,
with more involved game play, better stories, life like characters, and what’s
more take advantage of the nearly 50% more graphic power the PS4 offers over
the Xbox One.
talk about bout what makes the PlayStation 4 the beast that it is.
Main Processor
- Single-chip Custom Processor
- CPU: x89-64 AMD ‘Jaquar’ 8 cores
- GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon based graphics engine.
Hard Disk Drive Built-in
Optical Drive (Read Only)
- BD 6xCAV
I/O communication
- Super-speed USB (USB 3.0) AUX
- IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)
AV Output
- Analog-AV out
- Digital Output (optical)

new controller will Feather a Touch pad located at the top of the controller, a
four color LED Light bar, to let easily identify who is 1st 2nd
3rd and 4th as well as quickly see game information like
when health is low, or when you have taken major damage (I assume the light
will blink or flash in such instances otherwise I see no point in this.), A
share button that allows you to instantly share accomplishments by streaming
LIVE game play to Ustream or uploading directly to facebook. It also has a
built in Mono Speaker (YEAH now it’s just like a Nintendo Wii U remote… I guess
this could be good, but I’m not particularly sold on this yet.) and will sport
a new shape and enhance vibration. Over all sounds pretty good, but will find
out when the system comes out during the holiday season of 2013.
can’t offer any kind of info on the PlayStation move what so ever as they seem
to completely avoid talking about, but what I can say is that it is NOT
required for the PS4 to function.
closing I’ll leave you with a couple of Sony’s major announcements during E3
about the PS4, as well as a few links So that you may check out this
information on your own should you so desire. Thank you for your continued
- The PlayStation will support ALL used games, putting control and owner ship BACK in the hands of gamers. If you buy a game that copy of the game IS YOURS to do with as you please, not happy with it, return it, wanna let a few friends borrow, go right on ahead, wanna trade it in NO PROBLEM.
- The PlayStation 4 WILL NOT enforce ANY new restrictions, there will be NO system check ins or 24 hour online authentication.
- The PlayStation Plus memberships will carry over to the PlayStation 4, and will offer some new benefits, only down side is that it is now REQUIRED to play multiplayer on the PS4.
- The Playstation 4 will only cost $399 dollars close to $500 dollars after tax in America, and 399 euros, and 349 pounds in your regional equivalent.
Kingdom Hearts 3 UPDATE
Kingdom Hearts III
answer is yes. All that needs to be watched is the trailer. At the end of the
trailer you will see what systems the game is coming out for.
I have not found an official quote from Square or Disney, several sites state
that it is in fact confirmed.
is a GOOD THING, nothing bad can come from this happening. Square (and Disney
lets not forget Disney.) will make more money, and Kingdom Hearts will gain
more fans, and pre-existing fans who don't own a PS4 will not have to pick up a
console the have to desire to own just to play ONE game. I am all for this, as I have hated the
thought of Exclusives to begin with, let’s not pretend for one second that
exclusives serve any other purpose than to boost console sells. If you need any
further proof look at titles like RYSE and FORZA 5 for the Xbox One, and
Infamous and Drive Club for the PS4. AMAZING games, yet will only be available exclusively
on their respected consoles… what can ya do though, Console wars is just part
of the business, it’s what sells consoles, and sadly in a adverse reaction,
creates a rift between gamers as PS4 fanboys talk shit about the Xbox One fanboys, and vice versa. I may not like the Xbox One, but as a gamer, I want to
enjoy the game on whatever console I prefer to play it on. An I extend to you
the same, Enjoy your games on whatever system you want to play it on. Now
without further adieu enjoy the Trailer if you haven't seen it yet, and if you
Released on August 21, 2007 by Irrational Games,
BioShock, as many games before it, was not the same game that had been worked
on in development, Chris Kline, 2K Boston’s (2k Boston is now known as
Irrational Games.) Tech Director described Bioshock as being a “Sequence of
failures and errors.” So how did a sequence of failures and errors
eventually lead to becoming one of 2007’s major releases? Simple really, trial
and error, after all it’s the only true way to make a game. When Bioshock was
revealed in 2004 the story and setting had changed significantly from what it
was originally intended to be, and from its reveal to its release its story
received more major overhauls while its gameplay elements would remain similar
to what was seen in the released version of the game. According to many
developers, Bioshock is a spiritual successor to the System Shock games. Many
of the Irrational team had previously worked on the System shock games, and
wanted to create something with the same feel, but was different. When the game
was released in 2007 not only did BioShock sport a different storyline, but it
also changed many concepts of the game to the ones you see and know now, such
as “Drones”, “Soldiers”, and “Predators” became the basis for the “Little
Sisters”, “Big Daddies”, and “Splicers” which are used in both BioShock, and
BioShock 2.
is set in the 1960’s, in the underwater city of Rapture, you can learn the
history of the city through audio recording found throughout the entire city in
the game, or when it’s finished you can read it in my four part blog on Gaming
with Dee –
Extended Content. IT’S NOT UP YET THOUGH, so relax and enjoy this review of the
game. Rapture was created by a business man named Andrew Ryan who wanted to create
a Utopia for the rich, or upper class of society, away from the control of the
government. For a time Rapture was just that, and scientific discovery blossomed,
and eventually they discovered of the plasmid ADAM, created by sea slugs on the
ocean floor, which allowed for users to alter their DNA to grant them
meta-human powers like shooting electricity from their hands, mind control, and
things didn’t remain peaceful as a power hungry man by the name of Frank
Fontaine rose to challenge Andrew. This started a power struggle, As Frank
created Little Sister by implanting the sea slugs in the stomachs of orphan
girls, and Andrew fought back with his army of Splicers, humans genetically
enhanced to be super soldiers. Unfortunately this power struggle was one which
Frank eventually lost, as he was presumed dead in a shot out between Andrew’s
men, and his own. Soon after a man named Atlas rose to stand for the working
class of Rapture, once again turning the utopia of Rapture into a battle
ground. Having created Big Daddies to deal with the Little Sisters now under
Andrew’s control, the civil war that broke out left Rapture in ruins, with
Splicer’s running out of control, killing anyone they could find, and Little
sisters patrolling with Big Daddies harvesting ADAM from “angels”, you the main
character find yourself thrust into the middle of this civil war by Atlas, who
ask for your help to save his family, and to defeat Andrew Ryan.
not going to cover the full story in this review as it will be covered on
Gaming with Dee Extended Content.)
the start of the game, the player takes control of Jack, the main character in
this game. Jack is a passenger on a plane that goes down in the Atlantic Ocean
in 1960. As the only survivor he makes his way to a light house off in the
distance. This light house holds a Bathysphere which takes Jack to Rapture.
After arriving at Rapture, Jack is
contacted by a man Named Atlas, and is guided to safety from the Splicers,
Deformed, genetically modified super soldiers, who are extremely aggressive.
Atlas ask Jack to help him stop Ryan, and help save his family. Yet you can’t
shake the fact that something isn’t right. Unless you don’t pay attention to
the story, if that’s the case you’re horrible, and should be beaten with a
stick. Along the way Jack many different enemies from various types of Splicers
to Security drones, Big Daddies, and Little Sisters.
Bioshock is an Action-Adventure, horror themed
First-person shooter with a few interesting elements that aren’t normally seen
in first-person shooters, such as the use of Plasmids. Using all the elements
at hand you can complete different objectives in a different ways. At times you
may opt to sneak around, trying to avoid enemy detection, or you can choose to
turn the tables in your favor by hacking the security cameras and automated
turrets, or you can opt to do what I did, and shot just about everything that
look like it wants to kill you. (Yes I died quite a bit.) While exploring Rapture you should be looting and
exploring everywhere, looking for money, ammunition, heath, EVE and additional
weapons. You will also come across spare parts that can be used at “U-Invent”
to “create” weapons you can’t find in game, or create some usable items. Camera’s, turrets, and Vending machines, safes,
and locked doors can be hacked, providing benefits such as Turrets attacking
splicers, gaining access to a safe, opening doors (duh) and vending machines
selling items to players at a discount. You are also given a Research Camera,
which is used to take pictures of the various enemies to help analyze them.
After enough analysis of an enemy, the player is granted one of the following
benefits such as, increased damage, gene tonics, and other bonuses. . Lastly when fighting enemies, should you die,
you will find yourself transported to a Vita-Chamber. You will have all your
possessions, but only a portion of your hp, if you so desire you can opt to
turn this feature off. If you decide to do that, should you die, you will have
to load up your last save.
this game isn’t perfect there are some things that this game does right. One of
those things is the ability to hack the automated defenses and turn them to
your side. On my first play through I didn’t do much hacking, I did a run and
gun to get the story, and oddly enough I spent more time in that play through
then I did my second. Needless to say, my second play through I hacked just
about anything that could be hacked. Hacking makes things significantly easier
on you, giving you a edge in a fight against splicers or Big Daddies, or
cheaper items at the vending machines. The Pipe Mania mini-game that is required
to hack vending machines was a particular favorite of mine. It reminded me of
some games I used to play on the pc as younger where you have to connect,
twist, and turn pipes, to make sure the water made it from its starting point
to the end point. *Mainly because it was exactly
like them lol.* The Research Camera was a fresh new turn on providing
upgrades, I liked the concept of snapping pictures of my enemies, in an attempt
to understand them, and once completed given a bonus or gene tonic that helped
you through the rest of the game. The best part of this game is the Plasmids,
you can collect and assign a number of plasmids and gene tonics which will
grant you the ability to unleash special attacks or gain passive benefits like
extra health or improved hacking skills. “Active” plasmids or the plasmids that
you will actively use will require EVE. EVE can be restored via blue syringes,
which you will find throughout the game so keep your eyes peeled because if
you’re like me, you will use plasmids almost as much as your gun (mainly
because gun play is not this’s games strong suit) “Tonics” are passive plasmids
that require no EVE, and give you a benefit such as, increased strength,
lowering the cost of EVE usage, damage resistance, and more.
Control wise, the game feels fluent, while as stated, gun play isn’t this games strong point, I seldom had issues with it in this game as I compensated with quick reaction times, and covered myself with the use of plasmids. However if you already don’t like FPS’s this one isn’t going to change your mind on the genre, as it does gun play in a fairly decent way. It’s not good, but it’s not bad, at times it can be frustrating if you’re coming into this game not experienced in FPS’s, and at times, the gun play feels perfectly fine. Honestly I believe the controls are fine and that your experience depends on the gun you use, and how you use your plasmids. You can make the game harder or easier by choosing to, or not to take advantage of the plasmids, and vast array of weapons and ammo types at your disposal.
Level Design
you played Bioshock you know one thing, there aren't really levels in this
game. Instead you visit various parts of Rapture to be explored, and while the
Bathysphere’s my take you to new sections, a lot of Rapture can be revisited throughout
the game. Rapture design is moody, dark, and gritty, WHICH IS FUCKING PERFECT.
The city is far from a welcoming city, broken pipe lines, flooded areas,
shattered glass, and crumbled walls, you get that feeling that you are moving
around in someone’s backyard, constantly aware of your surroundings. You get
several chances to take a look out of the various windows, to see the city of
Rapture in the back ground. It’s kind of unsettling yet at the same time, has
this eerie since of peace until it is broken by the screams of a splicer in the
back ground. Rapture is a city meant to
be explored, but with caution. It’s got history and you will want to know what
happened to make this once beautiful city, a war torn dystopia.
about Rapture was meant to put you at ease, from your immediate surroundings,
to world design, Rapture was designed to look like a functioning city from the
outside, but be broken within, which it very much is. After all, it has been
through not one but two uprisings, the first lead by Frank, and the second by
Atlas. *but wait isn’t frank and SHUT
IT YOU, BACK IN THE CLOSET.* This city has seen its fair share of hard
times, and it’s design is created to make sure it relays that message to you
End game
end of the game is by far the most enjoyable for me. Not because the game is
ending, but because I had this burning desire to break my foot off in Frank’s
ass. *Frank? I thought Frank was dead*
oh but see that’s where your wrong my silly little monkey. You see if you
played BioShock, you’d know Atlas is none other than Frank Fontaine. You soon
learn that you aren’t who you think you are, Jack is the illegitimate son of
Andrew Ryan, and Jasmine Jolene, Ryan’s mistress. An Audio Diary by Jolene,
some photos found on Ryan’s desk indicate that Jack was purchased, yes bought,
by Brigid Tenenbaum on the behalf of Frank himself. Jack was Franks back up
plan should he ever be forced into a situation by Ryan, during the ever
increasing hostilities leading up to Rapture’s Civil War.
was “born” and raised in Fontaine Futuristic, by scientist that include Dr. Yi
Suchong and Brigid Tenenbaum *WAIT WHAT,
HOW THE FUCK, WHAT FUCKERY IS THIS.* If you would kindly let me finish, you
know if you haven’t played the game maybe you shouldn’t be reading this eh. *DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO* chill out,
just a suggestion. Like I was saying, According to Audio Diaries by Dr. Suchong
Jack Weighed Fifty-six pounds and had the muscular development of a fit
nineteen year old at the age of one thanks to Lot 111. *note Lot 111 was
created by Dr. Suchong to speed up the growth process in children.* Another
Audio Diary Reveals that Dr. Suchong is also responsible for the mind control
imprinting that Frank Fontaine requested. As if I needed any more reason to
fuck Frank the hell up.
similar genetic structure to Andrew’s would allow him to use bathyspheres that
were in lockdown, be resurrected at Vita-Chambers, and the automated security
of Rapture wouldn’t be as effective against him. Sometime in 1958 Frank found
himself in a situation where he was backed into a corner; he faked his own
death in a shoot-out with Sullivan’s forces. During this time Jack was smuggled
out of Rapture in a bathysphere and sent to the surface as a sleeper
agent. He lived out a pre-programed life
as Frank had planned. When the time came Frank now under the alias of Atlas *HA I FUCKING KNEW IT, FRANK WAS ATLAS.*…
“activated” Jack, upon Atlas command using the trigger phrase “would you
kindly” Jack boarded a plane in 1960 that passed over Rapture’s location, he
then hijacked the plane and forced it to crash near the lighthouse, thus
leading him to Rapture.

goes through 3 forms Fire, Ice, and then Lightning. He can be a pain in the
ass, but if you came prepared, and know how to use your weapons in combination
with you plasmids you should be ready for the long haul. Here are a few steps I
took on my second play through of Bioshock.
While still in the Proving Grounds grab a needle
from the Little sister to the right of the Elevator, DO THIS BEFORE EVEN
ATTEMPTHING ANYTHING ELSE, as I’ve found that exiting this level cause a glitch
at times where the little sister won’t be holding the Needle.
Make sure your weapons are fully stocked, If low
on cash or ammo back track to previous area’s and kill big daddies and splicers
for cash and ammo.
I used the following Plasmids Electro Bolt (got
attached to it sorry lol) Security Bull’s-eye, Incinerate, Winter Blast and
Use antipersonnel rounds in you pistol and
machine gun, Electric buck in the shot gun, and trap bolts in the crossbow. I’m
sure guides are out there that go into deeper detail but this is what I did.
Select Human Inferno and Electric Flesh 1&2
for tonics, and replace everything else with combat-oriented tonics.
SAVE THE DAMN GAME before going in the elevator.
While Frank is in the ADAM Inducer, select traps
and hack the heath station. I noticed Frank will only get out of the Inducer if
you stick him with the needle; this gives you plenty of time to set up the
playing field in your favor.
Once you manage to get him in the final stage,
stick him with the needle one last time, and enjoy the final cut scene.
Depending on your choice to “Harvest” or to “Cure” the Little Sisters the
ending may be different. I saved every Little sister in the game. While the
ending wasn’t as satisfying as I had hoped. In the end everything came to a
close, and what’s more is that I had Bioshock 2 and even further still,
Bioshock Infinite just waiting for me, calling me to come play them, and I
could never resist the temptations of one great game, let alone the temptations
of two. Excuse me where are my manners…
all, I found Bioshock to be an amazing game, and couldn’t for the world of
understand why in the past I never gave this game a fair shot. There aren’t many
games out there like Bioshock, and while Bioshock isn’t perfect, it excels at
what it does best, and that is tell an interesting story, along with satisfying
game play elements, as using Plasmids is a kin to having magic, yet is done in
a unique way that one would actually believe the concept is entirely new. While
the thought concept behind Plasmids is new, the concept of having the control
of powers beyond human limitations literally at ones figure tips isn’t. Again
like I said It was an Amazing game, and if you haven’t I suggest trying it. If
you jumped in at Bioshock Infinite, it’s fine, just back track to one, and give
it a go. There are some Easter Egg’s in Infinite that will are just waiting to
be found.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Kingdom Hearts for PS4 and Xbox One?
For those of you who are bitching
about Kingdom Hearts 3 being put on the Xbox One, you can cut that shit out. It
was not Square soft who made the choice, it was Disney. Kingdom Hearts 3 will
be releasing for the Playstation 4 (It’s home system) Just as all the Major
(Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2) Titles for this game has. In order for Square Soft to
get the rights to use Disney characters, they had to give Disney the rights to
the IP. You guys should know how Disney operates by now. I mean COME ON, need i
remind you all about LUCAS FUCKING ARTS?
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Xbox One... WHAT THE FUUU!!!!!!
Xbox ONE, but wait isn’t there already an Xbox?
a long debate with myself in deciding which one of the two systems I would start
with, I decided to go head and vent some anger and um wait uh I mean, I decided
to go ahead and talk about the Xbox ONE, and see if I’m the only one who thinks
Microsoft REALLY WANTS TO LOSE the console war this time around.
I know there was a rumor going around about the X box One
having always online DRM in it. It set the gaming world on fire, gamers both
hard core and casual were out raged at this choice. It’s pretty easy to see why
they were pissed off as well. I mean The concept of a console that does not
work unless it is connected to the internet, and having data fed to the console
via Microsoft’s servers is absurd. What in the sam hell were they thinking,
well the good news is that it won’t require your console to always be connected
to the internet, if you intend to play video games on it. What do I mean you
may ask? Oh nothing other than the fact that the Xbox one isn’t really a gaming
console. IT’S A FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. An whats worse is it does
everything else exceptionally well, but we have NO FUCKING CLUE HOW WELL IT PLAYS
FUCKING GAMES. How do you reveal your console to the world and NOT BRING ANY
GAMES, feed your viewers BULLSHIT, and have them walk away satisfied and
actually wanting to throw money at you for you piece of shit system. I wouldn’t
know, but I’m sure if I sat down and studied under Microsoft I’d be able to sell
a flash light to a blind man. How about we stop reading my ranting and start
taking a look at what we do know, with some info I gathered from Kotaku IGN and Polygon. All
site reference’s will be listed below at the end of this post, so you can read
them for yourself.
The next Xbox
is called Xbox One (HORRIBLE NAME)
It will be
out later this year
It won’t be
It will
restrict used games
It plays TV
exceptionally well
It is NOT
backwards Compatible (don’t throw out your Xbox 360)
Specs that we DO know
8 Core CPU
8 GB Memory
500 GB HDD
Blu-ray Drive
Wireless with Wi-Fi Direct
USB 3.0
Snap mode
new feature that allows you to connect your Xbox One to your TV to do things like;
Skyping with your friends while watching TV, watching sports and updating your fantasy team, watch movies
while talking to your friends. AND DO MORE SHIT WITH TV THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO
Intelligent TV
there is one thing the Xbox ONE does exceptionally well, that we could see from
it’s reveal, is PLAY TV. It plays TV, it plays MOVIES, it plays TV WHILE YOUR
ONE! Wow what would I have ever done without this FUCKING BLOODY USELESS
Used Games
Xbox ONE game will come with a activation code, YAY DRM WOOOOO LOVE THAT SHIT
ehhh… You will need this code to INSTALL the game on your systems hard drive
before you can even play the game. So console gamers WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF PC
GAMERS, where you will have to install your games before you can play them. No
more are the days of having the convenience of just popping in your CD and playing your game, NO MORE
are the days of being able to let a friend borrow your game cause you
loved/hated it, and they wanted to try it. Gone, all gone, because now you have
to install and register the game ONLINE and CONNECT IT TO YOUR XBOX LIVE
ACCOUNT. Your family may be able to play the game that is registered to your
Xbox Live account, but if you want to let a friend borrow the game, or you
bring games over for a game night at a friends house, HE CAN’T PLAY THEM ON HIS
SYSTEM, HE LITERALLY HAS TO BUY THEM. Never mind that you spent your hard
earned money and have a legit copy, he has to buy the game in order to play it.
Microsoft says there will be a way to trade used games, but have not shared
much in the way of Details, and it’s kinda hard to blame them. I mean, after
locking down your console and blocking used games with SO MUCH FUCKING DRM, it’ll
be hard to come up with a system that doesn't sound like BULLSHIT. Who knows I might
The Xbox One has been rumored to be an Always online console, yet at their
press site they stated “No, It does not have to be Always Connected, but Xbox One does
require a Connection to the Internet” Well which is
it, it was stated that the system requires you to connect to the internet at
least once a day. Well that’s bloody fantastic, and what if my internet is out?
Oh that doesn't matter, because this is just a potential scenario for
how the Xbox One will function. So in other words you haven’t a clue as to how
your bloody console is going to run gaming wise do you? MOVING ON.
Xbox Live
Noting getting into this, I don’t support Xbox Live, I
don’t support paying you for the privilege of using features that come with the
console, I don’t care what changes were made, they removed the price. I you do
there will be links down below where you can read the changes made and more.
The Biggest thing of note is that out of everything we know,
we acutally know very little, as almost everything is just a “Possible Scenario”
at best. Not much has really been finalized yet. Expect to see more about the
Xbox over the next few months starting with E3. Thank you for your time, and continued
support. The links will be listed below.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Gaming with Dee Quick Update
These quick run downs of what is happening and what will
be on the blog are coming up more and more. I might give it its own page so i
can keep track them all. A lot has been going on, due to current events i lost
a member of my little team... Yep that's right we are down to two, and the
video game news segment is being pushed back again... I'm sorry, I wish i could
state other wish, but the choice was out of my hands, the person who was going
to run the segment decided to back out. Gaming with Dee - Extended Content will
be producing content with in the next few weeks, starting with a Review and a Breakdown
of Bioshock not 2 or Infinite but the first one, seeing as in i have beaten all
of the games. The next retro game review i have decided to do after mega man is
Radiata Stories, don't worry all the content I spoke of before is still coming,
I just had to pick a game I wanted to cover since this is my blog after all.
Now without further a due THE LIST.
Gaming with Dee
- Shadow of the Colossus + Ico is coming soon, I have beaten both the games, and have started to research the game’s history and creation. Always best to know some lore.
- Random Blogs will be posted randomly, no brainer right. I haven’t been blogging much due to a personal situation that required my attention. I’ll get on that soon, and hopefully get back in to the swing of posting relevant content.
- I’ll be giving my opinion on The PS4 and Xbox One (really the dumbest name for a console…) As soon as I look up the specs for the systems for myself. Nothing worse than getting bad information an speaking on it as if it’s factual…
- The Review for Bioshock will also be posted here, an before you ask YES this one is going to actually be a review. To answer another question, Mega Man X nor any other game I review will EVER receive a number rating again. I didn’t like the feel of giving DMC a arbitrary number rating that means absolutely nothing. Anyway the Review of Bioshock is my top priority, and as such you should expect to see it soon.
Gaming with Dee – Extended Content
See Gaming with Dee – Extended Content page
- Sadly nothing will be put out on YouTube, I’ve backed up all the blogs I’ve typed, and videos have to my external hard drive. Until I can afford a new some new equipment (pc parts) I can’t record anything, using fraps or Bandicam cause my pc to crash… Soooo yeah, until that problem is solved no new video’s anytime soon…
Sorry for the minor setbacks, there will be more content coming, but
keep in mind I’m either playing these games for the first time, or replaying
them so that the game is fresh on my mind for the review. I do want to apologize for the hiatus on
gaming news and youtube, but not much I can do with the current situation I’m
in lol. It’ll get fixed hopefully soon. As always thank you for your time and
continued support, and I’ll see you guys next time.
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